Open Season Week 2

Monday 01/29/24

‘ANCHOR’ is a two parter to test some heavy lifting while under fatigue. Aim to work at a threshold pace from 0:00-10:00. If this is appropriately paced, your Burpee cadence should remain consistent throughout the 10 minutes opposed to significantly slowing down— Find your groove and stick with it!

You’ll then have from 12:00-20:00 to find a 3RM Thruster. Aim for 3-4 attempts within the 8 minutes. Start with a weight you are confident you can hit while fatigued and then plan your jumps from there.


- Burpee To Target
* 12/9 Calories Machine Of Choice After Each Set
- Establish A 3RM Thruster

Tuesday 01/30/24

A. Skill Work -
15-20 Minutes of Jump Rope + Kipping Skills

EMOM 18:
Minute 1 - 25 Crossovers + Gymnastics Skill
Minute 2 - Rest

Rounds 1-3: 8-10 TTB
Rounds 4-6: 6-8 C2B
Rounds 7-9: 4-6 BMU

Today we will be practicing some skills that we will most likely see in The Open and/or Quarterfinals this year. Take this time to work on Double Unders, Crossovers and dialing in form on your kipping Gymnastics.

‘CHAOS’ gives us an opportunity to practice Crossovers within a workout as well as work on unbroken sets of our rig Gymnastics movements. Aim to minimize transition times and hop on the rig immediately after finishing your Crossovers. Between the 1 minute of rest and manageable rep scheme, you should be able to prioritize tight gymnastics positions throughout this one!

Wednesday 01/31/24

A. Snatch -
Every 90 Seconds x 8 Sets:
- Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 65-75%

2 Sets Of:
- 50 Wallballs 20/14#
*Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

We are working on technical precision with our Snatch Complex this week. The Snatch High Pull is to hone in on correct bar path and triple extension (ankles, knees and hips extended). Followed by a Hang Snatch + Snatch to work from different positions. Take your time with the complex rather than rushing through. We will pick up the pace and practice cycling Snatches in upcoming weeks.

‘ECHO’ is going to test our level of grit with bigger sets of Wallballs. Challenge yourself to go unbroken or to take very short rests as you chip away at your reps. Focus on efficient movement and breathing, this will conserve energy and help you to keep a steady rhythm. Use your hips and legs to generate power for the throw. Inhale during the Squat and exhale as you throw the ball against the wall. Aim to keep a positive mindset throughout your sets— typically our minds quit before our body!

Thursday 02/01/24

A. Push Press + Split Jerk -
EMOM x 8:
1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk @ 50-60%

B. Hang Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds x 8 Sets:
Set 1-2 - 3+3 @ 50%
Set 3-4 - 2+2 @ 60%
Set 5-6 - 2+2 @ 70 %
Set 7-8 - 1+2 @ 75%

This week our complex is geared to work on generating explosive power from the legs. The Push Press is a great exercise to train full hip extension out of the dip + drive. The more explosive we are the more upward force is going to be transferred to our barbell.

The Hang Clean High Pull helps establish the correct bar path during the initial phase of the Clean. This movement teaches lifters to keep the bar close to the body as it travels upward. While the Hang Power Clean forces lifters to work on generating force in a shorter distance/time. Pairing these two exercises together will help us dial in on timing and positions.

Friday 02/02/24

A. ‘Rhino’ -
For time:

- 21 Deadlifts 225/155#
- 21 HSPU
- 15 Deadlifts 225/155#
- 15 HSPU
- 9 Deadlifts 225/155#
- 9 HSPU
- 21 Deadlifts 315/205#
- 50' HSW
- 15 Deadlifts 315/205#
- 50' HSW
- 9 Deadlifts 315/205#
- 50' HSW

Today we are retesting ‘Rhino’ The CrossFit Open Workout 18.4, who’s done this one before? Open workouts are known for their challenging nature and the need to push through discomfort. We will do a handful of retest the next few weeks in order to prepare us for the 2024 Open!

Here are some tips for this workout— Break the Deadlifts strategically to manage fatigue, for example consider breaking the round of 21 reps into sets of 11-10 or 7-7-7. Same goes for the HSPU—Break them up early, especially if they are challenging for you. Avoid going to failure. Being intentional and efficient with your movement will go a long way in this workout. Watch the clock during your rests and aim to keep them short!!

Saturday 02/03/24

Partner WOD

‘Chemical’ -

For Time, with a Partner:
- 250 Double Unders
- 200 Air Squats
- 150 Push-Ups
- 100/70 Calories Machine Of Choice
- 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Snatch Press
EMOM x 5:
- 5 Reps @ Light To Moderate Weight

B. Drop Snatch
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- Drop Snatch x3 @ 50-60% Of Snatch Balance

C. Snatch Balance -

Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
- Snatch Balance x 2 @ 70-75%

The Snatch Press will improve shoulder strength and stability as well as prep our shoulders for Parts B + C. The Drop Snatch requires a lifter to drop rapidly into the Squat position, this will teach us to be agile and quick under the bar for a Snatch. Snatch balances will help us build confidence in the receiving position of the snatch and in our ability to catch and stabilize heavier weights overhead.

Check our StreamFit App to see the accessory exercises for today.

Sunday 02/04/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
