Open Season Week 4

Monday 02/12/24

B. ‘Will’
For Time:

- 20 DB Push Press 50/35#
- 30 Push-Ups
- 20 DB Front Squat 50/35#
- 30 Push-Ups
- 20 DB Thruster 50/35#

A. Barbell Deficit Reverse Lunge -
4 Sets Of:
Barbell Deficit Reverse Lunge x 6 Reps / Side
*45-60 Second Forearm Plank After Each Set

Happy Monday! We are kicking off this week with some single leg strength work. Adding a deficit to the Reverse Lunge will increase the range of motion we are training which can improve flexibility and mobility as well as train balance, stability and coordination.

‘Will’ is designed to challenge your upper body strength and endurance. Plan to break up the DB Push Press and Front Squats into 2-3 quick sets to preserve energy for later. For the Push-Ups, consider breaking the reps into manageable sets from the beginning to avoid burnout. Save a push for the 20 DB Thrusters. Plan to attack these with intensity!

Tuesday 02/13/24

A. Skill Work -
15 Minutes Of Jump Rope and Rope Climb Practice

B. ‘You’
EMOM 20:

Minutes 1-2 - 24/18 Calories Echo Bike
Minute 3 - 45 Double Unders
Minute 4 - 3 Rope Climbs
* Log As 5 Rounds

At the start of class, you will have the opportunity to practice Single Unders, Double Unders or Crossovers for 5 minutes. Then you will work to refine technique and improve proficiency in Rope Climbs under the guidance of the coach.

‘You’ is a blend of cardio, skill work, and strength training. Aim to pace effectively and adjust to the work demanded of each minute. Minutes 1-2 will require us to appropriately pace the Echo Bike. During Minute 3 we will work on completing Double Unders while having an elevated heart rate and fatigued legs. Minute 4 will build our upper body pulling strength and practice higher level skills within a workout.

Wednesday 02/14/24

B. ‘Be’ -
5 RFT of:
- 6 Hang Power Snatch 75/55#
- 6 OHS 75/55#
- 6 Bar Facing Burpees

A. Pause Snatch -
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
Sets 1-4 - 2 Reps @ 70-75%
Sets 5-8 - 2 Reps @ 80%

‘BE’ is intended to be a sprint workout. Bring the intensity to this one! Remain unbroken on the Hang Power Snatches and go right into the OHS each round. Pace the burpees accordingly— think about a pace that will allow you to pick the barbell up immediately after completing your 6th burpee. Pay attention to the coach to learn how to efficiently cycle the barbell on the HPS. Remember.. smooth is fast!

Thursday 02/15/24

A. Overhead Complex -
Every 90 Second x 8 Sets:

Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk @ 50-55%

B. Hang Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds x 8 Sets:

Set 1-2 - 2+2 @ 55%
Set 3-4 - 2+2 @ 65%
Set 5-6 - 2+2 @ 75%
Set 7-8 - 2+2 @ 80%

The goal of our Overhead Complex today is to train our leg drive. Remember that the drive portion is longer than the dip portion here. Explode out of the dip trying to get as tall as you can before dropping under the barbell on the Jerks. Percentages here are lighter today in order to dial in on technique.

We are back to practicing the Hang High Pull and the Hang Power Clean. Similar reps as two weeks ago but with increased percentages. For the High Pull— Aim to hit triple extension and keep your elbows high and outside as you pull the barbell toward your upper chest. Try to replicate this same pull for your Hang Power Cleans. Think “stay connected to the bar”.

Friday 02/16/24

A. ‘My’ -

- 55 Deadlifts 225/135#
- 55 Wall Ball Shots 20/14#
- 55 Calorie Row
- 55 HSPU

Today we are retesting ‘My’ The CrossFit Open Workout 17.4. This workout requires us to chip away at some big sets of Deadlifts, Wallballs, Row Calories and HSPU. Who can make it to the second round?!

Here are some tips for this workout— Break up the deadlifts into smaller sets, such as sets of 10 or 5, to manage fatigue. Use a consistent breathing pattern to maintain rhythm and efficiency on the Wallballs. Find a sustainable pace on the Rower that allows you to recover slightly while still making progress. Break up the Handstand Push-ups early and often to avoid hitting failure. And lastly, just focus on one movement at a time and pushing through the discomfort!!

Saturday 02/17/24

Partner WOD

‘Valentine’ -

For Time With A Partner

- 50/40 Calories Echo Bike
- 60 DB Box Step-Ups
- 60 TTB
- 50/40 Calories Echo Bike
- 40 Box Jumps - 40 Kipping Pull-Ups
- 50/40 Calories Echo Bike
- 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 20 BMU

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!


Olympic Weightlifting
A. Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
2 Muscle Snatch + 1 Power Snatch @ 40-45%

B. Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
2 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch @ 50-55%

C. Pause Snatch Balance -

Every 90 Seconds x 8 Sets:
- Snatch Balance x 2 Reps with 2 Sec Pause in catch
Sets 1-2 @ 55-60%
Sets 3-4 @ 60-65%
Sets 5-6 @ 65-70%
Sets 7-8 @ 70-75 %

This week we are working on key components of the Snatch, such as bar path, timing, and positioning. The Muscle Snatch emphasizes the turnover phase of the snatch, where we rapidly pull under the barbell. The Snatch High Pull emphasizes explosive hip extension and will help hone in on timing. We will be working with lighter percentages to prioritize proper movement patterns. Then we will do our Pause Snatch Balances to build our technique, stability, and confidence in the receiving position of the snatch.

Sunday 02/18/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
