Open Season Week 6

Monday 02/26/24

B. ‘Williams’
EMOM x 15:
Minute 1 - 3 Wall Walks
Minute 2 - 8 Thrusters 95/65#
Minute 3 - 10 Box Jumps 24/20"

A. Back Squat -
Every 2:30 x 4 Sets:
- Back Squat x 4 Reps @70-75%

Happy Monday! Reminder that The Crossfit Open kicks off THIS WEEK. Be sure to register if you want to participate. If you have any Open related questions ask a Coach in the gym or email Coach Anna (

This week we are increasing the loading on our Back Squats and decreasing the volume. With sets spaced every 2:30, you'll have ample time to rest between each, ensuring you can perform with sound form throughout.

‘Williams’ is a 15-minute EMOM that includes Gymnastics and Weightlifting. The work load should allow you to have rest each minute. The goal of this workout is to sustain intensity while still prioritizing excellent technique throughout. On Wall Walks, try to keep your hands stacked under your shoulders and your gaze fixed on the wall throughout. Push for SPEEDY Thrusters while maintaining good form and adhering to key points of performance such as full depth in the Squat, elbows driving up and out, and the bar reaching full lockout overhead at the top of each rep.

Tuesday 02/27/24

A. Skills Session -
10 Minutes Of Coach Led TTB and BMU Progressions
5-10 Minutes of Practice

B. ‘Jackson’
- 15/12 Calories Machine Of Choice
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 AbMat Sit-Ups
- 20 Bodyweight Walking Lunges

Class will start with reviewing gymnastics basics and progressions. Perfecting these fundamentals will enhance your performance and give us a chance to touch base on some movement that may appear in The Open.

‘Jackson’ consists of cardio and bodyweight movements. The goal is to move consistently over the 14-minute timeframe, maintaining a moderate intensity level. Approach each movement with controlled effort, focusing on smooth transitions to maximize rounds. This workout serves as a perfect opportunity to dial back intensity slightly, ensuring readiness for the Open workout this Friday while still getting in a solid session of movement and conditioning!

Wednesday 02/28/24

B. ‘Wright’ -
5 RFT:
- 25 Double Unders
- 5 Power Snatches 95/65#
- 5 HSPU

A. Deadlift-
EMOM x 8:
- Deadlift x 3 Reps @ 50-55%

Today’s Deadlifts are an opportunity to refine our Deadlift mechanics. While the weight might seem lighter, the focus is on explosive power and speed off the ground. Speed Deadlifts are crucial for developing strength and power off the floor, which directly translates to improved performance in heavier lifts. This will also give us a chance to reinforce proper technique under load.

‘Wright’ is designed to be a quick workout that gives us a chance to touch base on moments that may appear in The Open without overdoing the volume. Aim to go unbroken on each exercise and have lightening fast transitions. Be quick and efficient on your barbell cycling— remember, smooth is fast! Same goes for the HSPU. Make sure you pay attention during the warm-up to review progressions for each movement!

Thursday 02/29/24

A. Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk -
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
2 + 1 @ 55-60%

B. Low Hang Clean + Split Jerk
Every 90 Seconds x 4 Sets:
2 + 1 @ 60-65%

C. Accessories
3 Sets For Quality:
- Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 Reps
- Ring Row x 6-8 @ 2112
- Side Plank x 30-45 Second / Side

Today we have two different complexes that serve to reinforce technical proficiency and strength development in our Clean and Jerks. By working at moderate percentages every 90 seconds over four sets, we can focus on refining our technique. The goal is to execute seamless form versus rushing through each set. Throughout The Open we will continue to work at sub maximal loads on Thursdays and prioritize honing in technique.

Friday 03/1/24

A. ‘24.1’ -
To Be Announced…

We're gearing up for the start of this year's CrossFit Open as we eagerly anticipate the release of the first workout, '24.1', this Thursday. Get ready for an electrifying atmosphere as athletes from all classes throughout the day will tackle the Open workout. Just a friendly reminder that the last class of the day will be at 4:30 PM, followed by our Friday Night Lights Open heats. Stay tuned for the announcement and let's kick off the Open season with a bang!

Saturday 03/2/24

Partner WOD

‘Jonas’ -
For Time:
- 800m Run (Together)
- 100 Box Step-Ups (Switch every 10 reps)
- 80 Burpees (Switch every 5 reps)
- 60 Wallballs (Switch every 10 Reps)
- 40 Pull-Ups (Switch every 5 reps)
- 1600m Row (Switch every 400m)

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!


Olympic Weightlifting
A. Muscle Snatch
EMOM x 4 :
- Muscle Snatch x 2 Reps @ 50-55%

B. 3-Position Power Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
- Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + High Hang Power Snatch + 2 OHS @ 50-60%

C. Accessories -

3 Sets For Quality Of:
- KB Farmer's Carry x100'
- Cossack Squat x 12 Alternating Reps
- Weighted Plank x 30-45 Seconds

This week our Muscle Snatches are slightly heavier than last, continue to focus on a quick turnover and keeping the bar close to your body. The 3-Position Power Snatch gives us an opportunity to practice our pull from each position. As we work through each segment we will have to focus on creating power over shorter distances. The High Hang Power Snatch specifically will force us to practice efficient hip utilization from the power position and force us to be speedy getting under the barbell.

Sunday 03/3/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
