Steadfast Week 4

Monday 04/15/24

B. ‘Wonder’
- Double Unders
*50' DB Front Rack Lunge After Each Set 50/35#

A. Pause Back Squat -
Every 2:00-2:30 x 5 Sets:
- 3 Reps @ 80-85%

Happy Monday Feast Fam, reminder this week is Bring A Friend Week! Bring your friends to try our the gym for FREE all week. They can register for BAFW on StreamFit.

We are continuing to get heavier and heavier with our Squats. The next two weeks we will be doing Pause Back Squats followed by a 1RM Back Squat in 3 weeks.

During ‘Wonder’ you'll perform a descending ladder of Double Unders followed by 50’ of Front Rack Lunges after each round. Double Unders will spike your heart rate while the combination of the two movements may have your legs feeling like jello. Break up the Double Unders into manageable sets to avoid burning out early, aim to push the pace as the reps get lower!

Tuesday 4/16/24

Today we will get in some Handstand Practice. Whether you want to work on holds, shoulder taps, or walking… the choice is yours! The Coach will lead class through a warm-up and progression then provide you with time to practice and build your skills! Expect a grippy challenge with 'Encore’ in this AMRAP. Break up the pull-ups early to manage grip fatigue and maintain a steady pace!

A. Skill Practice -
15-20 Minutes of HS Skill Practice

B. ‘Encore’ -
- 16 Alternating DB Hang Clean + Jerks 50/35#
- 12 Kipping Pull-Ups

Wednesday 04/17/24

Another Wednesday cardio Partyyyyy! ‘Good News’ is a long EMOM to practice consistent pacing. Select calories for each minute that allow you to work at a moderate pace throughout the 30 Minutes. Each minute should NOT be a sprint or a fight to finish. Set a goal to hit the same number of burpees every round.

A. ‘Good News’ -
EMOM 30:
Minute 1 - 12/8 Calorie Echo
Minute 2 - 15/12 Calories Row
Minute 3 - 30 Sec of Burpees
*Score is total burpees

Thursday 04/18/24

A. Segment Clean -
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- 2 Segment Cleans @ 60-65%

B. Clean Pull -
Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 3 Reps @ 80-85%

B. Accessories
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Good Morning x 10 Reps
- Broad Jump x 5 Reps
- Copenhagen Plank x 30-45 Seconds /Side

This week we are going 5% heavier with our Segment Clean and going down to 2 pauses. Pauses are 2” off the ground and at the knee. Our goal with our Segment work is to make the Pull portion of our clean seamless and powerful! We are getting heavier and heavier with Clean Pulls. For these, try to stand up fast and forcefully!

Friday 04/19/24

A. Bench Press -
5 Sets Of:
- 3 Reps @ 80% of 3RM
* 12-15 Banded Bicep Curls After Each Set

B. ‘Incredibles’
3 RFT:
- 20/15 Calories Echo Bike
- 12 Power Snatches 75/55#
- 9 OHS

Our pump combo this week is Bench Press and Banded Bicep Curls. We will have one more week of Bench percentage work then will retest our 3RM Bench.

‘Incredibles’ is a spicy combo of Echo Bike and Barbell Work. Aim to pace the Echo Bike so you can work hard on the Barbell each round. Strive for efficient cycling with the Power Snatches and plan to go unbroken on the OHS.

Saturday 04/20/24

Partner WOD

‘Savvy’ -
Partition As You See Fit With A Partner:
For Time:
- 1600m Run
- 200 Step-Ups
- 150 Push-Ups
- 100 Pull-Ups

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Overhead Squat -
Every 1:30-2:00 x 5 Sets:
- 4 Reps @ 75-80%

B. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 5/Side @3111
- DB Arnold Press x 8-10 Reps
- Sandbag Carry x 100'

This week our transitioning from working on Sotts Press to working on Drop Snatches. Our goal is to work on speed and confidence dropping under the barbell. Our Overhead Squat strength work is continuing to get heavier. While our accessories have shifted to new focuses for the next 3 weeks— Single leg work, shoulder accessories, and carries.

Sunday 04/21/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
