Persist Week 1

Monday 5/6/24

B. ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’
4 Sets Of...
AMRAP 90 Seconds:

- 60 Double Unders
- Remaining Time Max DB Box Step-Ups 50/35#
* REST 90 Seconds Between Sets

A. Deadlift -
Every 2:00-2:30 x 4 Sets:
- 8 Reps @ 50-55%

Happy Monday! This week marks the beginning of our new cycle, ‘Persist’. Prepare yourself for a weekly dose of Deadlifts every Monday. To kickstart, we'll be focusing on lighter reps, setting the stage for a 3-rep max test next week, with a retest at the end of the cycle.

Today's session features Double Unders and single-leg strength work with 'It's Gonna Be Me'. Your aim is to transition quickly from Double Unders to Step-Ups. The 90 seconds of rest will give you a chance to catch your breath and give your best effort during each set.

Tuesday 5/7/24

Tuesdays are dedicated to the Strict Press! Today, we'll be testing our one-rep max (1RM), which will serve as the foundation for percentage-based work in the upcoming weeks.

Bye Bye Bye’ is a quick chipper style workout. Strategize to break up the Pull-ups and Push-ups wisely to avoid fatigue. When using the machine, choose a pace that challenges you yet remains sustainable throughout the calorie duration.

A. Strict Press -
Build To A 1RM

B. ‘Bye Bye Bye’
For Time:
- 40 Pull-Ups
- 60/45 Calories Machine Of Choice
- 80 Push-Ups

Wednesday 5/8/24

We will continue to work on Endurance each Wednesday. Today, we're tackling the May Benchmark workout, 'Nancy'. It's crucial not to start too aggressively; aim for consistent pacing during the run and smooth movement throughout the Overhead Squats (OHS). Remember, there's a 20-minute time cap for this workout!

A. ‘Tearing’ Up My Heart’ -
5 RFT:

- 400m Run
- 15 OHS 95/65#

Thursday 5/9/24

A. Tempo Front Squat -
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets:
- 3 Reps @32X1 @ 60-65%

B. Clean Deadlift -
Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets:
- 4 Reps @ 105-115%

B. Accessories
3 Sets Of:
- Barbell Hip Thrust x 10 Reps
- Rotational Ball Throw x 6-8 Reps / Side
- Weighted Forearm Plank x 30-45 Seconds

We're progressing towards a solid foundation for the Clean by focusing on Front Squats and Clean Deadlifts for the next 6 weeks. We'll emphasize Tempo Front Squats for 3 weeks then transition to max rep sets in subsequent weeks. June 20th we will test our Front Squat 1RM . Accessory work for the next 3 weeks will revolve around Hip Thrust, Rotational Work, and Heavy Planks.

Friday 5/10/24

A. Weighted Strict Pull-Up -
Build To A 3RM

B. ‘This I Promise You’
- American KBS 53/35#

During this cycle's Fridays, we'll focus on Strict Pull-ups. If you're aiming to achieve your first one, make sure not to skip Fridays! Scaling options will be available to assist in building the necessary strength to reach your goal.

In 'This I Promise You', expect a serious forearm pump. Aim to complete the Kettlebell Swings unbroken while breaking up the Toes To Bar into small, quick sets to maintain grip strength and ensure quality repetitions.

Saturday 5/11/24

Partner WOD

‘I Want You Back’ -
Splitting Reps With A Partner...

- 60/45 Calories Echo Bike
- 40 Burpee Box Jumps Overs 24/20"
- 30 DB Reverse Lunges 50/35#
- 10 Wall Walks

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Power Snatch -
Every 90 Seconds x 9 Sets:
Sets 1-3:
- High Hang Power Snatch x 5 Reps @ 45-50%
Sets 4-6:
- Hang Power Snatch x 3 Reps @ 55-60%
Sets 7-9:
- Power Snatch x 2 Reps @ 65-70%

B. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Dual DB OH Walking Lunge x 50'
- Tall Box Jump x 5 Reps
- Copenhagen Plank x 30 Seconds / Side

Today, we're dedicating time to refine our Power Snatch Technique before testing a 1RM next Saturday. Prioritize intentionality with each repetition, emphasizing form over the weight on the barbell. These lifts should not feel heavy! In the coming weeks, our accessory work will include Overhead Lunges, explosive exercises/jumps, and Side Planks.

Sunday 5/12/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
