Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Steadfast Week 2

Monday 04/1/24

B. ‘Snowshoes’
- 3 Burpee BMU
- 6 Shuttle Runs
- 9 Air Squats

A. Front + Back Squat -
Every 2:00-2:30 x 4 Sets:
- 1 Front Squat
- 3 Back Squats @ 67.5-72.5%

Similar to last week we are kicking off class with a Front + Back Squat combo. This week is slightly heavier than last.

‘Snowshoes’ consists of 3 movements with a low rep scheme for each. Pick a pace that allows you to practice quick transitions into the next exercise and minimize rest time. The goal for this is continuous steady movement! Aim to start slower than you think and get faster across the 10 minutes.

Tuesday 4/2/24

A. ‘By And By’ -
Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets (3 Sets Each):

- 5 Wall Walks
- 50 Double Unders
- 6/Side DB Snatch 50/35#


- 20 V-Ups
- 15 Push-Ups
- 6/Side DB Hang Clean + Jerk 50/35#

This Tuesday we have some spicy interval work with ‘By And By’ ! Every 4 minutes we will alternate between Interval 1 and Interval 2. Work to complete each set as quickly as you can while maintaining good technique. The goal is to have at least one minute of rest each set. This workout is designed to increase our gymnastics capacity and work on efficiency cycling the DB.

Wednesday 04/3/24

All The Debts I Owe’ is a cardio party. The stimulus of this workout is to maintain a Zone 2 pace, focusing on steady, controlled effort throughout the 40-minute duration. This approach not only builds a solid aerobic base but also aids in recovery and overall performance gains over time.

A. ‘All The Debts I Owe’ -
Every 2 Minutes x 20 (40 Minutes):
1 - Row
2 - Echo Bike
3 - Burpees
4 - Rest

Thursday 04/4/24

A. Segment Clean -
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- 2 Segment Cleans @ 50-55%

B. Clean Pull -
Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets:
- 5 Reps @ 70%

B. Accessories
3 Sets For Quality:
- Strict Pull-Up x 6-8 Reps
- Sled Drag x 100'
- GHD Side Plank x 20-30 Second / Side

This week we are working on Segment Cleans. These will have a pause 2” off the ground, at mid-knee, and mid thigh. Segment Cleans allow you to break down the movement into distinct phases, helping you focus on each part individually and refine technique. Additionally, Segmented Cleans can help improve strength by emphasizing isometric holds in each position. Part B is our main strength focus this cycle, Clean Pulls. Each week these will get heavier!

Friday 04/5/24

A. Bench Press -
4 Sets Of:
- 6 Reps @ 70%
*30 Second Squat Hold After Each set

B. ‘Lavender Girl’
- Thrusters 95/65#
- Pull-Ups

This week we are continuing our Bench Work. After each set, perform a 30 second Air Squat hold to prep your legs for Part B.

‘Lavender Girl’ is a workout you may know and love or may know and… well not love. It is ‘FRAN’! This workout should be fast and light. Scale loading to something that allows you to keep moving. Create a game plan whether its push for unbroken or small quick sets. This is our April test which means we will retest in 3 months!

Saturday 04/6/24

Partner WOD

‘Vegabond’ -
10 Rounds (5 each)
Partners Alternate Complete Rounds:
- 300/250m Row
- 8 Burpees Over The Erg
- 8 Power Snatches @ 95/65#

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Overhead Squat -
Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets:
- 6 Reps @ 65%

B. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 Reps (heavier than last week)
- Broad Jumps x 5 Reps
- DB Front + Lateral Raise x 16 Alternating Reps

This week our percentage increases for Overhead Squats. Work on maintaining a strong Overhead position and midline throughout the 6 reps each set. Our accessories are building off of last weeks. This cycle the Saturday accessory focus includes working on explosiveness (jumps), shoulder strength and either Romanian Deadlifts (weeks 1-3) or Split Squats (weeks 4-6).

Sunday 04/7/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
