Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Steadfast Week 3

Monday 04/8/24

B. ‘BTW’
EMOM x 10:
Min 1 - 8 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
Min 2 - 8 Box Jumps 24/20"

A. Front + Back Squat -
Every 2:00-2:30 x 5 Sets:
- 1 Front Squat
- 2 Back Squats @ 72.5-77.5%

This is our last week of Front + Back Squats! This week is 5% heavier than last week. Next week we will be doing Pause Back Squat.

‘BTW’ is an EMOM to work on being explosive. Our goal is quality— practice efficiently cycling for both the Hang Power Cleans and Box Jumps. Aim to move consistently and smoothly across the 5 sets!

Tuesday 4/9/24

Today in IDK, we are tackling 3 different 5-minute AMRAPs. This workout is designed to keep you moving continuously, with escalating rep schemes and alternating movements, this will challenge both strength and endurance. For big classes we will get in groups and start on different AMRAPs.

A. ‘IDK’ -
- DB Bench Press 50/35#
*5/4 Cal Row After Each Set


- DB Box Step-Up 50/35# (reps / side)
*5 Burpees After Each Set


- Strict Toes to Bar
*5/3 Cal Bike After Each Set

Wednesday 04/10/24

Another Wednesday Sweat Session. ‘FTW’ offers a straightforward yet effective way to build endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Across the 25 Minutes, move at a pace that allows you to control your breathing and remain consistent.

A. ‘FTW’ -

- 400m Run
- 50/40 Calories Machine Of Choice

Thursday 04/11/24

A. Segment Clean -
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- 2 Segment Cleans @ 55-60%

B. Clean Pull -
Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 4 Reps @ 75%

B. Accessories
3 Sets Of:
- Strict Pull-Up x 4-6 Reps @2222
- Sled Drag x 100'
- Half Kneeling Landmine Rotation x 8 Reps/Side

This week we are going 5% heavier with our Segment Clean with 3 pauses. Next week we will continue to get heavier but move to a Segment Clean with 2 pauses. Each week we will continue to work on Clean Pulls, getting heavier week to week. Clean pulls help develop explosive power, which is crucial for successfully completing heavier Cleans!

Friday 04/12/24

A. Bench Press -
5 Sets Of:
- 5 Reps @ 75%
* 6 Ring Rows @21X2 After Each Set

B. ‘OMG’
5 Sets Of:
- 12 American KBS 53/35#
- 6/Side KB Push Press
- 30 Double Unders

This week we are continuing our Bench Work. After each set we will perform a set of Ring Rows at a Tempo.

‘OMG’ will be a quick one! This is a workout to strengthen our posterior chain, midline and shoulders. The KBS and Push Press should be a weight that we can perform sets unbroken. The Double Unders will add an additional challenge by increasing your heart rate.

Saturday 04/13/24

Partner WOD

‘FOMO’ -
With A Partner..
AMRAP 22 :
- 400m Run
- 60 Push-Ups
- 400m Run
- 80 TTB/V-Ups
- 400m Run
- 100 Air Squats
*Partners Run Together

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Overhead Squat -
Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 5 Reps @ 70%

B. Accessories -
3 Sets Of:
- Romanian Deadlift x 5 Reps @5111 (Build as able)
- Jump Lunges x 12-14 Alternating Reps
- DB Cuban Press x 8-10 Reps

Once again we are working on OHS with a 5% increase in loading. In order to feel confident with the overhead position we need to do more of it! Our accessory work continues—focusing on explosiveness (jumps), shoulder strength and either Romanian Deadlifts (weeks 1-3) or Split Squats (weeks 4-6).

Sunday 04/14/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
