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Open Season Week 7

Monday 03/3/24

B. ‘Get Up, Stand Up’
- 4 DB Thrusters 50/35#
- 6 TTB
- 24 Double Unders

A. Back Squat -
Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets:
- 3 Reps @ 75-80% of 1RM

Happy Monday! How is everyone feeling after 24.1 last week?!! Thanks to all who showed up for Friday Night Lights, we will be back at it again this Friday for 24.2. We Hope to see you there!

This week we are up another 5% on Back Squats and down to performing 3 reps at a time. Prioritize form throughout all 5 sets.

‘Get Up, Stand Up’ is a condensed version of an old CrossFit Open workout, now restructured into a 10-minute AMRAP as opposed to a 20-minute one. With manageable rep schemes, some athletes may aim to go unbroken. The goal is to choose a pace that is sustainable throughout— try to gain momentum during the 10 minutes versus lose it. This is a great workout to practice quick and efficient transitions from one movement to the next.

Tuesday 3/4/24

A. ‘One Love’ -
Every 3 Minutes x 10 Sets (5 Each):
1 - 400m Row
2 - 24/18 Calories Echo Bike

B. Cool Down
3 Sets Of:
- Hollow Hold x 30 Seconds
- V-Ups x 15-20 Reps
- Arch Hold x 30 Seconds

‘One Love’ is designed to get us moving today without placing too much stress on the body. The aim is to complete the prescribed work at a moderate 60-70% effort level, maintaining a consistent pace throughout all sets. Ample rest between sets allows for effective recovery, enabling athletes to sustain their efforts and repeat each round with ease.

Wednesday 03/5/24

B. ‘Jamming’ -
15-12-9-6 Reps Of:
- OHS 95/65#

A. Deadlift-
EMOM x 8:
- Deadlift x 4 Reps @ 55-60%

This week we are repeating our 8-minute Deadlift EMOM but with one more rep each minute and 5% heavier. Focus on smooth mechanics and standing up FAST each rep.

‘Jamming’ is a workout to build our shoulder stamina. Between the Overhead Squats and the HSPU our shoulders will be put to the test. Prioritize smooth and controlled reps on the OHS and know yourself on the HSPU, break up from the beginning if needed to prevent burnout. Save a push for the round of 6.

Thursday 03/6/24

A. Power Clean + Split Jerk -
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Sets:
Sets 1-2 @ 55%
Sets 3-4 @ 60%
Sets 5-6 @ 65%
Sets 7-8 @ 70%

B. Accessories
3-4 Sets For Quality:
- DB Bulgarian Split Squat x 6 /Side
- Feet Elevated Ring Row x 6-8 Reps @21X2
- Half Kneeling Pallof Press + Rotation x 10/Side

In today's session, we're tackling 8 rounds of 2 Reps of a Power Clean + Split Jerk. With every alternating set, we'll gradually add more weight. This approach allows us to concentrate on refining our technique while also adjusting to the increasing challenge of heavier loads.

Friday 03/7/24

A. ‘24.2’ -
To Be Announced…

After dominating 24.1, let’s keep the energy going and get ready to take on the next challenge: 24.2! Just like last week, CrossFit will release the workout Thursday afternoon. Just a heads up for today— the final class will wrap up at 5:30 PM to make way for Friday Night Lights Open heats. You can sign up for an Open Heat starting Thursday after 5PM. Stay tuned for updates and let's kick off 24.2 with the same energy and enthusiasm as we did with 24.1!

Saturday 03/8/24

Partner WOD

‘Three Little Birds’ -
In Teams Of 3..
- 45/36 Calories Echo Bike
- 30 Kipping Pull-Ups
- 45 Push-Ups
- 60 Air Squats

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. EMOM x 6:
Minute 1 - Sotts Press x5 Reps
Minute 2 - Drop Snatch x5 Reps
(empty barbell)

B. Power Snatch + OHS
Every 90 Seconds x 9 Sets:
Sets 1-3:
- 2 High Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat @50-55%
Sets 4-6:
- 2 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat @55-60%
Sets 7-9
- 2 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat @60-65%

C. Accessories -

3-4 Sets Of:
- Goblet Curtsy Squat x 10-12 Alternating Reps @31X1
- Dual KB OH Carry x100'
- Chinese Plank x 30-45 Seconds

We have a 6-Minute EMOM to prime our Snatches and get comfortable in the Overhead Squat position. Part B consists of 3 pieces. Each piece we will dial in pulling from different positions and increase loading along the way. Focus on technique here— Remember, smooth is strong!

Sunday 03/9/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
