Program Offering At-A-Glance

Before any athlete takes a class, they need to have a basic understanding of all CrossFit movements and the safe and proper use of all weights and equipment. Movement Roots is our personal training program that teaches the basics of CrossFit, and then gives you a month to try out what you’ve learned. Here’s what you can expect:


One Month

Three Personal Training Sessions and Unlimited Classes

Free One-on-One Nutrition Consult

Free Movement Screen with a Licensed Physical Therapist


Basic CrossFit Movement Standards

Sample Workouts


Personal Training At Your Availability


1-1 Personal Training



You’re ready for this!!! When you complete your four personal training sessions, you have the balance of the month to join our Group CrossFit Classes, take an Olympic Weightlifting class, or hit Open Gym. Our group classes are accessible for beginners, and challenging for experienced CrossFitters. The benefits of having students of mixed ability and experience is enormous. We all have different goals, but we’re taking the same road to reach them. The magic is in our programming, which is adaptable, and our coaches, who excel at helping everyone tailor their workouts to their own journey.

Benefits of Movement Roots

Structure & Programming

Regularly scheduled group classes prompt your mind and body to develop the habit of attendance, which make you more likely to continue and succeed. You’ll come to expect class, look forward to class, even yearn for it. Feast holds up its end of the bargain by ensuring we deliver great instruction and classmates who will be expecting you, rooting for you, and making your group CrossFit class a fantastic experience.

Technique Support & Guidance

Our CrossFit coaches demonstrate and drill each movement, and then “see and correct” student movements during the workout. We can explain the “why” behind the “what,” and we actively coach good form and movement progressions.


Science shows humans enjoy variety in activities; the element of surprise keeps us engaged, learning, and entertained. Our group CrossFit class instructors spend dedicated time planning each class, setting up the floor to provide a competitive, communal experience, and discovering new ideas to add spice and fun to each workout. For a sampling of recent workouts, check out our Workouts of the Day.


Our group CrossFit instructors work hard to get to know you, learning your personal goals, how you move, and how you like to be motivated. We play up your strengths, and improve your weaknesses. We expect to see you in class, and provide a friendly nudge if you don’t show up. We celebrate your victories, and help you remember that each failure is really just a beautiful attempt at success.


You train harder, and smarter, and simply have more fun when you’re working out in a group. We wouldn’t be spending all this time, energy, and effort at Feast if we weren’t surrounded by good people who become good friends. Camaraderie, competition, creativity, momentum . . . it’s in our DNA. Everything our coaches do is informed by what YOU will find fun and meaningful.

Sample Movement Roots Personal Training Session


A. Warm Up

B. Front Squat
Every 3 Minutes for 4 Sets:
Set 1: PVC only

Set 2: Bar Only

Set 3 + 4: Add weights as appropriate

B. Double Under Practice

5 Min

C. For Time: 20-10-5
Box Step Ups, Ab Mat Sit Ups, Push Ups

Ready To Join?

Our Movement Roots program includes three personal training sessions, a nutrition consult, a movement screen with a licensed physical therapist, and a one month unlimited membership with a total value over $800, but costs only $299.